Signing up
The userId
to provide at signup should be a unique immutable string.
Ideally, it should be tied to the primary key (or ID) of the equivalent
object/table in your application database.
await e2esdkClient.signup(userId)
User IDs don't have to be secret, autoincremented integers (represented as a string) are perfectly fine.
Logging in
await e2esdkClient.login(userId)
Wait a second, there's no password?
Access to e2esdk is authorized through enrolled devices.
The device where you signed up is pre-enrolled. To login on other devices, you'll have to enroll and register them first.
To know the identity of the currently logged in user:
const identity = e2esdkClient.publicIdentity
if (identity === null) {
// Anonymous / not logged in
} else {
const { userId } = identity
When sharing keys, you might want to show the complete identity record of the recipient, to let the sender verify the recipient's identity via offline means.
Logging out
await e2esdkClient.logout()
Reacting to changes
The identityUpdated
event lets you subscribe to authentication events:
const off = e2esdkClient.on('identityUpdated', identity => {
if (identity === null) {'Logged out')
} else {`User ${identity.userId} logged in`)
// Unsubscribe when you're done
In React, you can use the useE2ESDKClientIdentity
import React from 'react'
import { useE2ESDKClientIdentity } from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-react'
export const Profile: React.FC = () => {
const identity = useE2ESDKClientIdentity()
if (identity === null) {
return <p>Logged out</p>
// A more "visual" way to represent this information
// for users to easily eye-match would be preferable.
const cryptographicIdentity = [
return (
<li>UserID: {identity.userId}</li>
<li>Identity: {cryptographicIdentity}</li>