In applications where data has to be submitted from forms filled by outsiders (submitters not considered as users, that do not have an account on the application), e2esdk provides ways to ingest anonymously encrypted form data.
End-to-end encrypted responses can also be edited by their authors, if desired by the application developers. Moreover, different response acceptation strategies can be implemented.
Creating keys
You will want to use the sealedBox
algorithm when
creating a key.
The public key will be used to encrypt form data, and the private key will be used to decrypt it.
const { publicKey } = await e2esdkClient.createNewKeychain(
'my-encrypted-form', // purpose
'sealedBox' // algorithm
Encrypting form data
This example assumes the public key is passed base64url-encoded in the URL hash/fragment.
Passing the public key in the URL hash makes it invisible from the application server. This is to ensure E2EE by protecting against a malicious server rewriting the public key to one it controls.
import {
} from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-crypto'
async function onSubmit(formValues: Record<string, any>) {
const namespace = 'my-form'
const state = await initializeEncryptedFormLocalState(namespace)
const submission = encryptFormData(formValues, state)
await sendEncryptedFormDataToTheApplicationServer(submission)
The namespace
parameter is only relevant for edition and retrieval of
previous submissions. For most cases, it can be made constant.
Decrypting form data
Because form data validation cannot occur on the application server, due to end-to-end encryption, it has to occur right after decryption.
Here's an example with Zod:
import { z } from 'zod'
// Describe the data shape of acceptable responses
const formDataSchema = z.object({
email: z.string().email(),
name: z.string(),
subscribeToNewsletter: z.boolean(),
const submission = await getSubmissionFromTheApplicationServer()
const formData = formDataSchema.parse(
e2esdkClient.unsealFormData(submission, keychainFingerprint)
Files can be encrypted as part of a form submission, but they require a bit of preprocessing for sending the encrypted contents to the application server, and storing it somewhere for later retrieval.
import { encryptFile } from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-crypto'
async function onSubmit(formValues: Record<string, any>) {
const namespace = 'my-form'
const state = await initializeEncryptedFormLocalState(namespace)
// 1. encrypt the file contents, obtain a metadata object.
const { metadata, encryptedFile } = await encryptFile(
formValues.secretDocument[0] // File field values are usually arrays
// 2. Replace the File object in the form values with its metadata
formValues.secretDocument = metadata
// 3. Encrypt the form data, including metadata
const submission = encryptFormData(formValues, state)
// 4. Send it all to the application server
await sendEncryptedFormDataAndFilesToTheApplicationServer(
The metadata contains a hash
property, which is the SHA-512 of the ciphertext.
You may use it for data integrity verification, and/or for content addressing.
At decryption time, you can use the fileMetadataSchema
to validate metadata
import { fileMetadataSchema } from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-crypto'
const formDataSchema = z.object({
secretDocument: fileMetadataSchema,
The decrypted metadata lets your UI display:
- The file name
- The size in bytes
- Its MIME type
- The last modified date
This can guide your users into selecting which file to download.
You can then download the encrypted contents, and use the key in the metadata to decrypt it:
import {
} from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-crypto'
async function downloadAndDecryptFile(sodium: Sodium, metadata: FileMetadata) {
// Fetch encrypted file contents from your application server, eg:
const res = await fetch(`/encryped-file?hash=${metadata.hash}`)
const ciphertext = new Uint8Array(await (await res.blob()).arrayBuffer())
const cleartext = decryptFileContents(sodium, ciphertext, {
algorithm: 'secretBox',
key: sodium.from_base64(metadata.key),
return new File([cleartext],, {
type: metadata.type,
lastModified: metadata.lastModified,
// This may come handy to save the file on your computer:
function saveFile(file: File) {
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.setAttribute('href', URL.createObjectURL(file))
For a more detailed example of form encryption with files, check out the contact-forms example in the e2esdk repository.
Editing responses
On the submitter side, edition can be performed by:
- Rehydrating a local state from localStorage
- Obtaining the most recent submission from the application server
- Decrypting it and hydrating the form UI with decrypted values
- Encrypting edited values just as before
import {
} from '@socialgouv/e2esdk-crypto'
const NAMESPACE = 'my-form'
async function onSubmit(formData) {
const state = await initializeEncryptedFormLocalState(NAMESPACE)
/* ... encrypt and send form data ... */
// Save state for later retrieval
persistEncryptedFormLocalState(state, NAMESPACE)
async function onLoad() {
if (!isEncryptedFormLocalStatePersisted(NAMESPACE)) {
// Cannot edit: no previous state available
const state = await initializeEncryptedFormLocalState()
const submission = await obtainSubmissionFromApplicationServer()
// Note: parsing after decryption is always recommended to avoid invalid data:
const decryptedFormData = formDataSchema.parse(
decryptFormForEdition(submission, state)
// How this is done depends on how you deal with forms:
The server can use the signature
property of submissions metadata
to check for authenticity, by making sure the signature is valid against
the initial submission's public key.
Use cases
Accepting a single, final response per submitter
Example use-case: school assignments.
This requires identifying the submitter somehow. How it's done is up to the application, but some form of ID or token should be distributed to the submitter.
When submitting their answers, the submitter can then pass along this ID or token, in clear text. The application server can then check if there isn't already a submssion under that ID/token, and accept it, or reject editions or re-submssions.
Allowing edits within a time frame
Example use-case: tax returns report, progress-saving forms.
Using the edition example above, the state of the form can be persisted for later retrieval. The latest submission serves as the source of truth for hydrating the form UI.
Time-framing can be done on the application server upon reception of a submission, by checking against a hard deadline (eg: all submissions must be sent before 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z).
If a relative acceptance window is required (eg: you have 24h to complete your assignment once you've started), then comparison may be done against a hard deadline computed after valid reception of a first (empty) submission.
This initial submission both starts the clock and establishes the public key to authenticate further edits.
Example use-case: keeping track of document edition revisions
Rather than overwriting submission entries in the application database, a record of received edits can be kept, along with a timestamp for identifying the latest record.
This latest record can serve as the base for editing and submitting new records.
The cryptography involved in authenticating submisions does not (yet) include authentication for ordering of edits.
This may pose a problem if resistance to tampering is required to preserve the order of edits.
This could be added with backwards compatibility in a later version by adding the signature of the previous submission into the computation of the next submission's signature, with the trade-off that edition may require to validate the whole edit chain, or keep a local copy of the last sent signature.