Encrypting data for your own use is good, but giving access to shared workspaces to others is the heart of e2esdk.
Sharing keys with others
Depending on how much granularity you want, you can choose to share:
- An entire keychain
- Only the most recent key in a keychain
- A specific key in a specific keychain
First, you'll have to obtain the public identity of the recipient you wish to share keys with:
const bob = await e2esdkClient.getUserIdentity("bob's-user-id")
await e2esdkClient.shareMostRecentKey(keychainFingerprint, bob)
await e2esdkClient.shareCompleteKeychain(keychainFingerprint, bob)
// Share a specific key
await e2esdkClient.shareKey(
Receiving shared keys
There is nothing to do here. Shared keys will be automatically added to your keychains when a e2esdk client is connected, in real time.
You can subscribe to events to be notified of an incoming shared key being added to a keychain.
Listing outgoing shared keys
const sharedKeys = await e2esdkClient.getOutgoingSharedKeys()
// Note: you can cancel an in-flight shared key
// before it is received by the recipient.
await e2esdkClient.deleteOutgoingSharedKey(
'isnZrYGaNYLhBTKIG3Eg81xUsHz6WgcXkm5nKwZLyho' // key fingerprint
Listing participants
Participants are the users who own a copy of a particular key.
await e2esdkClient.getParticipants(keychainFingerprint, keyFingerprint)
Banning users
Banning implies that you have the allowDeletion
permission on the keychain to ban a user from.
await e2esdkClient.banUser(userId, keychainFingerprint)
Banning a user does not perform key rotation on the given keychain.
Post-ban key rotation is recommended to ensure forward secrecy.
There are four permissions related to sharing and key/user interactions in e2esdk:
A user creating a new keychain will be granted all permissions on it. It is then up to them to choose permissions to grant others when sharing keys.
allows the recipient of a key to further share it
with others.
allows a user to create a new key in a given
keychain, via the rotateKey
allows users to ban others from
the keychain. Banning yourself is always allowed and doesn't require
this permission.
allows user to manage their permissions and that
of others. It is the highest level of privilege.
Setting permissions is done on a per-user, per-keychain basis:
await e2esdkClient.setPermissions(userId, keychainFingerprint, {
allowSharing: true,
allowRotation: true,
// Anything omitted will be left as-is. Default is to deny.
Reading permissions for a user/keychain tuple can be done in the participants result.
Reacting to received shared keys
The keyReceived
event lets you subscribe to accepted incoming shared keys:
const off = e2esdkClient.on('keyReceived', ({ keyFingerprint, sharedBy }) => {
console.log(`Received key ${keyFingerprint} from ${sharedBy}`)
// Unsubscribe when you're done
The keyReceived
event will be fired after the key has been received
and added to your keychain.
This means the keychainUpdated
event will fire first, then keyReceived